
Thursday, May 26, 2011


Networks and Telecommunication are basically communication systems. Whereas we consider communication as the process of sending information or data from the sender to a recipient, networks and telecommunication empowers the process of communication with the aid of "communication medium"  periodic broadsheets, multimedia, billboards, television, radio, and the like. In the same process, telecommunication and networks gives a lot of excitement to communication due to variations of applications.

With the aid of technology, Networks and Telecommunication become more effective than the traditional way. At home, we may be able to send documents, letters and photos to recipients by using the access in the cyberspace or the internet. In a certain organization, networks are considered as the nervous and circulatory system of the information by enabling them to communicate from peer to peer, group to group or even organization to organization thus making the flow of information faster and reliable. For most organization, coordination is the key to success and coordination can only be achieved by effective communication and using the power of Telecommunication and Networks

As far as communication is concerned, it is very important to consider the the different criteria in using communication and the different medium to use for a better process. The more efficient and the more effective you use, the more productive an individual or an organization become. There are numerous types of communication technology that may be used and fitted to the desired organizational activity. Wireless technology is an example of the most common and fastest way for communication since it promotes the "mobility" of the information to be processed. It is important that we must be able to identify the different ways to communicate and how to use them.


 The readers are expected to:
  1.  Know the ABC of Telecommunications
  2.  Characteristics of Telecommunication
  3.  Networking Media, Hardware and Software
  4.  Wired and Wireless Technology
  5.  Networks and Other Functionality

1. Know the ABC of Telecommunication

According to, Telecommunication is the transmission of information over significant distances to communicate. In earlier times, telecommunications involved the use of visual signals, such as beacons, smoke signals, semaphore telegraphs, signal flags, and optical heliographs, or audio messages via coded drumbeats, lung-blown horns, or sent by loud whistles, for example. In the modern age of electricity and electronics, telecommunications now also includes the use of electrical devices such as telegraphs, telephones, and teletypes, the use of radio and microwave communications, as well as fiber optics and their associated electronics, plus the use of orbiting satellites and the Internet.

Some telecommunication devices that you can interact with daily activities include telephones, cell phones, radios, televisions, and networked computers. Data Communication is one of the known subset of Telecommunications where it specializes the the electronics transmission of digital data typically between two communicating devices. The term telecommunication network is used in the connection of different computing devices. Computer Networks is a good example where computers interacts with one another in order to communicate the data transmission.

In the integrated approach, there are four basic elements of communication which is always present in any form of telecommunication:
  1. The Sender or Transmitter
  2. The Transmission Medium or the "physical channel"
  3. The Message/Data/Information
  4. The Receiver
The following elements is a necessity in the complete cycle of telecommunication. Can you imagine if one of the listed element will not be present? 

In the later part of this post, you will deeply learn the major components of telecommunication networks: networking media, networking hardware and networking software.

2. Characteristics of Telecommunication
The characteristics of Telecommunication can be classified in terms of convenience, speed, quality, effectiveness and accessibility. In fact, different types of telecommunication have its respective advantage and disadvantages which make a point that a type telecommunication is applicable and not applicable in some instances. This means that communication seems to be more productive by choosing a communication type with good characteristics based on the situation.

Considering the convenience, a very long information requires a visual communication type rather than the aural type. People requires a lot of time to analyze and instantly understand long information or data. They may need to repetitively access the information before they understand the content of the data. A good example is a long instruction or procedure to be done. An e-mail, which is a visual type of telecommunication is more reliable than a telephone call which is an aural telecommunication.

Speed has always been an issue in telecommunication systems. Many people believe that the faster the telecommunication process the more productive a certain activity become. Companies invest a lot of money for database systems to secure their data and telecommunication accessibility at a faster rate. They use the telecommunication networks to ensure that things are running smoothy with speed. Time is precious to companies engaged with the valuable flow of information technology. A good example is the electronic transmission of consumer taxes as they buy from supermarket. Taxpayers do not need to go to the tax bureau to compute taxes. On the other hand, for every purchase of item, there is an automated tax payment that is simultaneously updated to the tax bureau database.

Quality is a very important characteristic of telecommunication and networking. As a matter of fact, quality of telecommunication determines the reliability of any telecommunication method. Quality refers to the ability of a communication process to transmit or send data with distinct reception. For example, in an airport communication, the use of Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) is a useful communication tool whereas the airport traffic controller have the accessibility to identify the exact position and elevation of an airplane while it is on the sky. The more accurate the communication, the higher the quality.

Effectiveness is one of the remarkable characteristic in telecommunication. The most effective way to communicate is determined by the faster and clear reception of the recipient. It differs from the characteristic "speed" since it only refers to the time of transmission. Effectiveness tells about how communication is easily absorbed by both parties. There are information that require an immediate response. The faster the response from the recipient, the more effective the communication is. An example is a ship captain sending a "mayday" message to all concerned whereas an aural or sound communication in the form of radio call is more effective than sending a text message to the recipient. In such cases, immediate response is a necessity.

Accessibility is the most trendy characteristic of telecommunication. People are searching for more accessibility in telecommunication than any other characteristics. Experts say that the more accessible the telecommunication is, the more effective, faster, convenient and of high quality it became. Telecommunication is popularly identified as wired and wireless type and for each type, different accessibility can be offered to communication. For example, WiFi is a wireless type of telecommunication which enable devices to enhance mobility while communicating. Cellular is another form of highly accessible communication that uses Radio Frequency Devices. Spectral and Satellite communication is a from of communication which enable a certain country to become accessible throughout the world.

TRIVIA: There are two ways telecommunication signals can be transmitted. Signals are information transformed into another state of information for a more convenient and faster way to communicate. One way to communicate signal is through Analog Signal, a signal in the form of constantly varying of fluctuating voltages passing through a wire. If you are going to measure or observe the output voltage flowing through a telephone during a phone call, you may see some variations with the waveforms (sine waves) which is similar to the sound waves of the voice of the caller.
Digital and Analog Signals as seen on oscilloscope
In contrast, if you observe the from an oscilloscope, signals generated by digital devices are in digital signals (square waves). It is not measured by the level of voltages but the discrete voltage state comparable to a switch with only two states (high or low) or (on and off). This is the so called Digital Signals whereas the two states represent a bit of information.
3. Networking Media, Hardware and Software

Networking media, literally known as "medium" refers with the things (either visible or not) used to transmit the data for telecommunication. Networking media have different characteristics that gives a specific property to telecommunication. We can compare different medium based on speed, capacity, convenience, quality, accessibility and security. The use of a specific networking media may vary based on the preference of the use of the network and the systems of communication to be used. For example, we prefer to use a mobile phone for communication rather than the wired type since it offers mobility. A company or a government prefer to use the wired type of data transmission since it offers the most secure and faster transmission.

Various type of wires for telecommunication
Wired communication mediums, are classified in different kinds of cables which can be used from narrow band to broadband communication. Wired communication offers a high advantage over the wireless due to higher reliability of data transfer rates and is considered as the most secure. The disadvantage of cables is the space needed to set up for their placement. Wires and cables need to be installed in a very safe and organized manner depending on the location and nature of data transmission. Thus, it requires a lot of time and effort before it will be fully set up. Hence, there are also issued about the weakening of data signals while the transmission distance is increasingly observed. As the distance increases, there is a tendency that the current carrying the signal through the wire starts to dissipate at a certain distance while flowing through conductors. It will require an additional device to amplify the voltage that containing the data.

Wireless Communication and its nature
Wireless communication mediums are usually radio or light emitting devices than can travel through the air using radio waves and light rays. Radio waves are electromagnetic waves containing information transmitted and through antenna using the universally assigned frequencies. Frequencies, are the number of occurences of a repeating event per unit of time. Technically speaking, an event is also considered as a cycle completed after the lapse of a certain time. Frequencies can be audible, visualized or radiated. In wireless communication, the Electromagnetic spectrum is used for communication. The radio spectrum, microwaves, infrared which is the invisible type and the visible spectrum.
In the present,the use of wireless communication is one of the most useful and trendy type of telecommunication. It is now applied in most telecommunication networks to satisfy the needs in the development of sending information. One of the advantages of wireless communication is the absence of wires which makes it more sophisticated and economic than the other. Perhaps, this type of communication highly promotes the mobility of communication.



    Wednesday, May 25, 2011



    "Technology influences not only the mind;
    It influences the whole lives of the people."
    Most people in the present had years of exposure to computers and other digital technologies. Eventually, whether these people are technology-oriented or not, we may say that most people are highly dependent on the wonders of technology. Students understand the basics of technology and execute the different ways of using them. Enthusiast understand the needs of these technology and initiate the producers the other needs and developments that may be applied. Technology dependents may not be aware or somehow may not be interested in studying technology but in some ways, they try to help the development of technology by showing the remarkable ways on how it helps in developing our lives.

    This blog proudly presents its uniqueness in delivering the readers and enthusiasts by giving them from basic to deeper understanding of technology but as well as attempting to provide them sufficient knowledge on how these technologies helps in developing our lives and way of living.


    This blog will help the readers gain knowledge and awareness about technology by referring to the listed features of the blog for every topic. These features will also encourage readers to gain interest, solve situational problems and show how technology provides the solution and answer to the existing problems.
    • INTRODUCTION - Introduces the readers about the significance of the topic.
    • LEARNING OUTCOMES - Shows what will the readers learn throughout the topic and the subjects covered.
    • DIY (Do It Yourself) - Presents a scenario related to technology and attempts to challenge readers on how to use technology in improving ways and lives.
    • TRIVIA - Gives the reader some unique stories and unbelievable things done by technology to inspire them.